Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 3: What We Wear.

Class Materials
PowerPoint presentation (Click Here to view)

Give Thought:
Are you caught up in popular "excuses" for avoiding ethically sourced clothing?

1.Ethically made clothing isn’t stylish:
A.Be careful with placing style over loving others.
B.Myth. No true, anyway.
2.Ethically made clothing is more expensive.
A.Consider the hidden costs.
B.Consider having fewer items of clothing.
C.Be aware: This is even more challenging with kids. J
3.I can’t find clothing that is wholly or fully ethically made.
A.Beware the “charity donor” labels.
B.Are you up for the challenge? Make some calls, send emails: ask tough ?’s
4.If I don’t buy ethically made clothing, at least the workers in the sweatshops will still have jobs.
A.Take care to avoid assumptions that assume that “things can never change.”
B.Consider alternatives to boycott: Reform is possible. Ask, Demand, Campaign for it.

Slightly edited from Everyday Justice by Julie Clawson, Chapter 5 “Clothes”

Current Events (Sweatshops)
Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, aka The National Labor Committee

Want to Go Shopping?
Google terms: 
"Ethically sourced ___________ (shirts, pants, lingerie, pajamas, etc.)"
"Fairly Traded garments"

Free2Work website: scores various manufacturers and producers of many products. Includes apps for smartphones.

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